creative business should be cloud-based

Why my creative business should be cloud-based?

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of having your creative business systems on cloud-based?

In the late 90s, IT systems were very much office-based.

If you wanted to collaborate with team members you had to have access to the “server” and get access to the shared drive before you could access files and folders that your business needed to operate.

If you couldn’t get to the office that could be a challenge! Your team could email a document you needed but this is not exactly convenient, nor efficient? Other systems, such a VPN (Virtual Private Network) could allow you to gain remote access to the office and work on files on the server. This is still a thing in the 2020s, but increasingly, there are compelling reasons to ditch the server, ditch the VPN and work from anywhere.

Why is it such a good idea?

Reduced IT costs:

Servers and VPNs cost money. They both need to be configured and maintained and protected against hacking and if they are not working, then none of your team can work either. They also need to be upgraded and replaced. With most IT hardware needing to be replaced after 4/5 years and servers costing at least 1 to 1.5K (add in maintenance and backup).

Compare this with moving your data in the cloud. Even the most basic Microsoft or Google email accounts include cloud storage that can be shared out within your business. And for a modest increase per user, more robust storage and controls can be added to make that server redundant.

Greater mobility:

Modernity and constant technological progress may not be all it is cracked up to be, but there are very real and tangible benefits to cloud-based working that simply were not possible even 5 years ago. If your data is cloud-based – say with Microsoft 365 – this data is available on any tablet, smartphone, desktop or laptop. Yes – you can read your emails in Outlook (it may be the web or mobile app version), edit that Word document or browse the files on the latest project you have been working on. And you can be doing this from anywhere – if there is an internet connection or mobile data signal.

Enhanced Security

Instead of having hardware within your office, cloud storage is housed in a data center, providing enterprise-level security.

There is also no single point of failure in the cloud because your data is backed up to multiple servers.

This means that if one server crashes, your data stays safe because it is stored in other locations. The potential risk of hardware malfunction minimizes because your data is safely stored in redundant locations.

Working from Home

The third decade of the 21st-century will certainly go down as the biggest existential threat to modern society since the second world war. Enforced and prolonged homeworking has forced the issue regarding whether companies can be productive and complete projects when they have to work away from the office. Whilst remote working is no replacement for face-to-face communication, there are significant environmental and team welfare benefits that ensue. Reduced commuting means less pollution, less congestion and rush hour stress. Less commuting means that employees have more time at home and less time stuck in transit – this must be better for their mental health.

Best Cloud storage providers and security features

Microsoft 365

Microsoft OneDrive features connect files across Microsoft 365. With user visibility and controls for security, OneDrive for business offers capabilities like sync reports and manage migration. With protections for data recovery, whether it’s the result of accidental deletion or malicious attack, admins can easily and seamlessly manage security policies to keep information safe. 

Google Workspace

Google Workspace, remote teams can stay connected — and do it safely — with premium video infrastructure built on Google’s robust and secure global infrastructure. Built-in security features keep data, devices and users protected, as all files are automatically backed up in the cloud. 

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services provides a flexible, yet secure, cloud platform for businesses. With top-notch encryption and barely there downtime hours, Amazon Web Services protect customers’ information, identities, applications and devices. Automating manual security tasks makes it easier to focus on core work initiatives.

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