Unified Endpoint Management

One platform to manage them all

Hexnode mentioned as a noteworthy vendor in the Magic Quadrant for Unified Endpoint Management Tools report, 2021. Mignet is a Hexnode Partner in UAE.


Why businesses love Hexnode UEM

businesses love Hexnode UEM

Trusted by industry leaders around the world

Mignet is a Hexnode Partner in UAE.

Manage any platform and any device

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Discover a better way to manage devices

No credit cards required

Manage any platform and any device

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Inventory apps

Inventory apps

Maintain the full list of apps installed on the devices in your enterprise. Add in-house apps and externally sourced apps.

Black/white list applications

Black/white list applications

Disable unnecessary apps by black/white listing. Get alerts on blacklisted app installation.

Distribute Enterprise Apps

Distribute Enterprise Apps

Securely deploy corporate apps on employee devices. Manage upgrades and downgrades seamlessly.

App catalogs

App catalogs

Create custom catalogs of apps to better manage and allow users to install necessary apps from a single location

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Managed Access

Managed Access

Ensure managed access to content with real-time distribution to specified location within the device.

Mass deployment

Mass deployment

Assign files via policy to have them deployed to a group of devices at once.

Native Content Viewers

Native Content Viewers

Hexnode lets the users open and view content right within the Hexnode UEM app thereby remove the need to whitelist a third-party application.

Content Security

Content Security

Ensure that sensitive content is only accessed by applications deemed safe by the admin.

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Data security

Data security

Hexnode’s mobile device management solution helps secure, encrypt, lock or even wipe your corporate data.

Email security

Email security

Highlight emails sent to non-corporate domains. Ensure attachments are opened only in corporate deployed apps.



Automatic compliance monitoring. Alerts on compliance violations. Manual & Preset compliance criteria.

Network security

Network security

Enable Wi-Fi access to devices without sharing passwords.Configure a Global HTTP Proxy on devices.

App Security

App Security

Centrally monitor applications installed on devices. Blacklist unwanted applications. Whitelist necessary applications to block all the rest.

Auto lockdown

Auto lockdown

Enforce auto lockdown of corporate devices when they stay offline for a specified number of days.

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Single and multi-app kiosk lockdown

Lock devices to a single app or a few selected applications. Set apps to automatically relaunch when the kiosk lockdown is idle.

Simplify digital signage management

Seamlessly convert Android devices into full-fledged digital signages. Manage and provision content in real-time to multiple devices from a single portal.

Secure browsing with kiosk lockdown

Feature a website on the device by locking it to the specific device. Disable access to other websites, apps or content.

Control device peripheral settings

Remotely configure peripheral settings like volume and screen brightness. Selectively allow user access to key functions like flashlight.

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Real-time monitoring

View device screen in real-time where the highest level of security is necessary.

Parental supervision

Keep an eye on what is happening with kids’ devices in real-time. Lent a hand when they need a grown-up’s assistance

Instant support

Provide real-time assistance to users. Identify and troubleshoot issues first-hand.

Remote troubleshooting

Take control of the devices remotely to fix issues, help with training or provide assistance to differently abled users

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Track devices

Find the exact location of your devices. View the locations of a group of devices on a single map overlay.

Location based grouping

Have devices automatically moved in and out of groups based on whether devices are within or beyond the assigned geofence.

Location reports

View the location history of devices as a timeline. Export device location history reports as a PDF or CSV file.

Auto enforce restrictions

Assign policies with restrictions or lockdown on dynamic groups to have all the location non-compliant devices automatically restricted.

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Keep voice and data costs in check

Get voice call volume and data usage statistics for better managing mobile expenses on corporate carrier plans.

Usage warning and restrictions

Issue usage warning on plans nearing exhaustion. Automatically bar calls and restrict data usage after limits.

Trouble free auditing

Meet financial audits head-on with precise reports on voice and data usage.

App-specific quotas

Set specific data limits for each app. Conveniently block non-work apps from eating into corporate data plans.

Pay as you Grow

✓ Start with 15 devices    ✓ Per device pricing    ✓ Fully functional trial


Get answers

How does the Hexnode UEM license work?

Hexnode UEM pricing is based on the number of devices. You pay only for the devices you manage with Hexnode UEM.

Which all payment methods are accepted?

We accept all major credit cards. Even wire transfer work with us.

Will my data be retained if I subscribe to any of the paid plans?

Yes, of course. All your registered users, devices and data will be retained if you purchase a subscription before your trial expires.

How can I request a quote?

Please let us know your email in the form above and we’ll send you a quote right away.

Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

Yes. You can cancel your subscription anytime by clicking on the cancel button on the billing page.

Will I get a refund after cancellation?

Yes. If you cancel your monthly subscription in the first month, we will refund the whole amount. In a yearly subscription, for cancellations within the first 45 days, we will offer a refund prorated to the remainder of the subscription. Any refund will be transferred directly to your bank account.

Can I try Hexnode UEM for free?

Yes, you can try Hexnode UEM free of cost for 14 days. We do not require your credit cards at all for the Trial.

Will I lose my data in my Trial after it’s over?

Yes, after your Trial, your data will be deleted. We’ll let you know, once your trial ends, and we’ll check with you before deleting your data.

What is the minimum number of licenses that I need to purchase?

The minimum number of licenses that need to be purchased is 15 for the cloud version of the plans.

How can I renew my monthly subscription?

Your monthly subscription is set to renew automatically. We will notify you before renewing your subscription.

Can I recover any data after cancellation?

No. We will delete all your data after cancellation. However, we will consult with you before deleting your data.

Is there a support fee?

No, we do not charge any additional fees for support or maintenance.

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